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Stackable Conservation Programs

List of conservation programs are compatible with Carbon by Indigo

Ella White avatar
Written by Ella White
Updated over a month ago

Stackable Conversation Programs

Below are compatible conservation programs that can be stacked with Carbon by Indigo. If you do not see a program listed, please reach out to your customer support team member and they can let you know if it does or does not pass our eligibility requirements.

USDA/NRCS EQIP and CSP – Fields enrolled in Carbon by Indigo are also eligible to apply for NRCS EQIP and/or CSP funding. Since EQIP and CSP are specifically paying growers for adopting conservation practices and not the impact of those practices on the field (i.e., the carbon and/or GHG abatement), they are not in conflict with Carbon by Indigo.

Local Watershed and Conservation Programs – In some states and regions, there are watershed-specific programs that are either a cost-share or offer other incentives to promote cover crop and/or reduced tillage adoption.

An example of this kind of program is Ohio’s H2Ohio watershed program. These programs can be through state departments of agriculture, Ag Extension, USDA/NRCS or even local or national NGOs.

In all of these cases, these programs are compatible with Carbon by Indigo so long as they don’t explicitly pay growers for the carbon sequestered or the GHGs abated on their fields.

Habitat Restoration/Hunting Leases – Leasing land for hunting or receiving financial incentives from programs like Pheasants Forever to plant cover crops and/or reduce tillage for improved habitats are not in conflict with Carbon by Indigo as long as the field remains in agricultural production.

Additional Stackable Programs

Price Loss Coverage Program, PLC

Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, ACEP

Emergency Conservation Program, ECP

Farmable Wetlands Program, FWP

National Water Quality Initiative

Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy, ARC

Wisconsin Crop Insurance Cover Crop Payment

Iowa Crop Insurance Cover Crop Payment

Illinois Cover Crop Initiative, ICCI

Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crop Initiative


Farmers on the Rock (Wisconsin)

Grassland Reserve Program (GRP)

Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative, MRBI

Stewardship Program (Pollinator), PSC

Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program

Waterfowl easement/grassland easement/wet land easement/wetland reserve easement

Incompatible Programs

Programs that you cannot stack with Carbon by Indigo. If you are enrolled in one of the below programs, your fields are ineligible to participate.

Incompatible Programs

Conservation Reserve Program, CRP

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, CREP

Grassland Reserve Program

Soil & Water Outcomes Fund

Jo Daviess Conservation Foundation, Conservation Easement

Water Bank Program

Minnesota Agriculture Water Quality Certification Program

Minnesota Crop Insurance Cover Crop Payment

Practical Farmers of Iowa Cover Crop Cost Share

ADM Regeneration

CRP Pollinator Habitat

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