Welcome to Carbon by Indigo! This is a step-by-step guide to enroll in our Carbon program.
Create an Account
From the Carbon by Indigo page or using the link provided by your partner, select Enroll Now. You can also choose to Log In and bookmark that page for future use.
Enter the required information for the legal entity you plan to contract and select Sign Up.
Accept the terms of use and privacy policy.
A verification email from no-reply@indigoag.com is then sent to your inbox. Locate that email and select verify your email.
Add your legal entity name, legal entity type as shown on your W-9, address, city, state, and zip associated with the entity you're enrolling. Click Submit.
Add Fields
Add fields by selecting them on a map, uploading shapefiles, or importing from My John Deere.
Additional resources for uploading fields:
Add Practice Change & Check Eligibility
Once all of your fields have been added, select Check Eligibility.
From the Check Eligibility page, select Identify Practice Changes on any field. Identify which practice changes are applicable using the Yes/No options. You will also indicate when that practice change took place or if it's set to occur in the upcoming seasons.
If the practice change occurred on multiple fields, you have the option to select which fields it applies to.
Once complete, click Save. Once all fields have a practice change identified, click Next.
Using the Yes/No options, indicate if any of the additional eligibility checks apply to you. Additional checks include information on conservation programs, conservation compliance, and some less common situations. Once complete, click Save.
Sign Contract
After completing eligibility, select Enroll Fields for those available.
Let us know that you understand the requirements for this program by selecting I understand.
Add your first and last name, title, then select Agree and Sign.
Your enrollment into the Carbon by Indigo program is complete!