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Carbon by Indigo's Policy on Data Integrity
Carbon by Indigo's Policy on Data Integrity

Learn how Indigo safeguards your data through our data collection standards and partnership with ADT

Becky Scott avatar
Written by Becky Scott
Updated over 9 months ago

Your data is yours. It always has been since it was generated on your land. You own it. So, if you plan to use your data to start taking advantage of the growing agricultural carbon market, you should know exactly how it will be used. Learn more below about the approach Carbon by Indigo is taking to ensure data integrity for you.

The Who and Why:

Carbon by Indigo's data integrity policy is best understood in the answers to the following frequently asked questions:

  1. Why do you need all of this data?

  • Data makes Carbon Credits tangible. Think of Carbon as a crop, even if you can't see it as easily as your grain - it still needs to be quantified.

  • Your specific farm management records (i.e. planting, tillage, cover cropping, fertilizer applications, etc.) combined forms the foundation for a dependable Carbon Credit that can trade with buyers seeking high-quality, trusted investments.

  • Indigo prepares the credit for the market by combining data collected through randomized soil sampling with industry-leading carbon sequestration modeling methods to provide accurate and trusted measurements at a sustainable cost.

  • Aggregating data in this model is essential for the generation, verification, and issuance of carbon credits. The more data collected, the more accurate the model becomes, providing better returns for you and more confidence to credit buyers.

2. Who has access to my data once I share it with you?

  • We recognize the importance of your agronomic information. It’s the foundation of your business. That’s why Carbon by Indigo is committed to data privacy.

  • There are some cases where we work with third-party partners such as universities, auditors, and credit approvers to conduct research in the carbon farming space or generate carbon credits. Every third-party partner must provide your data the same protection we do.

We also wanted to be sure our data integrity policy was vetted by an independent agency - the best in the agriculture technology industry. We are excited to share that Carbon by Indigo data practices have been certified by Ag Data Transparent (ADT)!

What is ADT?

ADT or Ag Data Transparent is a voluntary certification program for agriculture technology partners that says the way Carbon by Indigo collects data is secure and other leading agriculture companies like John Deere and Growmark adhere to the same data security standards. It’s a robust process to get certified and requires the utmost focus on data security for our customers.

What does this mean for you as a grower?

  • Indigo has taken a financial and resource commitment to align with other Agriculture Technology Providers (ATPs) in seeking common stewardship principles that are validated by a third party.

  • ADT has verified that our contract is aligned with their Core Principles.

  • Indigo is committed to keeping your data secure.

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