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Guide to Crop Plan Data Entry

A step-by-step guide for how to use the crop plan data collection software.

Alexandra Braun avatar
Written by Alexandra Braun
Updated over 2 months ago

After you've completed enrollment, the next step is to start entering management practice data for your fields. If you find a screenshot in this article difficult to read, you can click on it to enlarge.

Table of Contents:
1. Confirming your crop rotations.

If you prefer a video tutorial instead, click here to jump to the bottom of this page.

Step 1: Crop Rotation

Once you click Start, you'll be asked to confirm the crop rotation on each field. Indigo utilizes various data sources, including regional data, to pre-populate the rotation for as many fields as possible. If anything looks incorrect, simply use the dropdown menu to adjust any years. If the rotation is not pre-populated, such as in the top row in this example, please manually enter the crop rotation. To add other crop types, choose New Crop Option in the dropdown menu. You can also add a double crop from here.

From here, you can save and exit, or continue on to confirmation of practice change.

Step 2: Practice Change

Once you click start, you will select the practice change you made on any of your enrolled fields, and on the following screen you'll specify which fields. Note that you can only select one practice change at a time. If you made more than one, including more than one in the same category (for example, you went no-till on some fields, but only reduced till on others), you will add them separately.

On the next screen, you can choose to repeat the above process with a different practice change type by selecting "+ New practice change" or you can Finish.

If you add a second practice change and want to apply it to the same fields that also were assigned the first practice change, click on "Show all" to display them.

Once you're done with the practice change section, you can continue on to historic management data entry.

Step 3: Historic Management

This is the section where you'll tell us how you've historically managed each of your crops. For example, if you have traditionally always tilled your corn fields with a disk, but you've only used a vertical till on your soybean fields, you can make that differentiation here and we'll apply it to each appropriate year according to crop type.

The first step is to tell us the practices that did or did not historically occur on your corn fields.

On the next page, you'll enter details about each practice you said occurred on your corn fields.

If you had more than one occurrence of tillage or fertilizer, click "+ Add another pass" or "+ Add another application."

If you need to calculate how many pounds of each nutrient was applied based on product application rate, utilize the "Help me calculate" tool. Enter your product and the rate of application of that product and the tool will do the work for you. You can also utilize this tool to determine the primary nitrogen source if you're unsure. The tool will populate the correct type once you've entered the product type.

Once this section is complete and you click Save, you'll be asked to confirm which fields this management plan applies to. Since this is example is a corn management plan, only fields with corn in the historical rotation are available for selection. The corn in the 2024 crop year is grayed out because this management plan only applies to historic practices. You'll enter the most recent crop year's management data in the next section.

On the next page, you'll see each event type and the associated details listed in chronological order. If you have fields where you've managed this crop type in a different way, select the option to create another plan and repeat the steps above. Otherwise, click the finish button and return to the home page, where you'll repeat this process for the other crop types in your operation.

See a "Needs review" message on your crop plan? Learn how to address those errors in this article: Annual Filing Errors and Documentation Requests | Indigo Ag Knowledge Base

Once you've completed all historic crop plans, move on to Step 4, where you'll add details about your current management practices.

Step 4: Annual Crop Plans

Like the historic management records, you'll add information according to how you managed each crop type in this section, but for the most recent crop year.

You'll be asked to name your crop plan. We recommend you use something descriptive that you'll recognize at a glance, especially if you have more than one crop plan per crop type.

The next steps look very similar to the process you completed in the historic section. You'll select which practices did or did not occur and then fill in the details.

You may see warning flags if you enter an unusual value. These are designed to catch errors before data submission. Double check your entries and if everything looks correct, then proceed.

Once your data is complete, select the fields that this crop plan applies to:

If you don't see the field you are looking for, it may be ineligible for the crop plan. Click "Show all" to display all fields. You can then click on the status to view details about why the field may be ineligible for the crop plan.

Once you've completed field assignment, you'll see all the data summarized on the next page. As with the historic records, you can create another plan or finish.

Video Tutorials:

Crop Hub Overview

This video walks you through how to use the "Crops" tab, including crop rotation, practice change attestation and a general overview of how to create a crop plan.

Current Year Crop Plan Development

This video is a continuation of the Crop Hub Overview and goes into more detail about how to create a current Annual Crop Plan. It also demonstrates some common warning flags you may run into.

Relative Timing and Cover Crop Planting Records:

Learn what "relative timing" data entry means and how to enter your cover crop data.

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