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How to File Your Fields

File your fields once you are done with data entry to earn carbon credits.

Alexandra Braun avatar
Written by Alexandra Braun
Updated over 3 months ago

Once you have finished creating your crop plans and resolving any errors, you'll have to hit the File button to submit your records for this year's Carbon crop.

On the record entry page, you should see check marks on all the historical records sections and a green dot with a "Complete" message next to all Annual crop plans.

If everything looks good, return to your Programs Dashboard by clicking the link in the purple banner. You can also click on the "Programs" tab at the top of the webpage.

Under the Carbon Progress Overview Section, locate Step 6.

Click "File X fields" to complete the filing process for this year's Carbon crop. You'll receive a pop-up confirming that you would like to file. You should only continue if you are done editing records, since you will not be able to do so once you have filed.

Another pop-up will then appear with some terms and conditions. Read through this message, then check the box and click "Confirm and file."

That's it! You will see a button to un-file all your fields if needed. If you chose to file your fields without all of them being ready, you can then use this option to unlock your crop plans for editing. Don't forget to return to the Programs dashboard and re-file all of your fields once your edits are complete.

Note: One or more of your fields may show that they are "under final review" immediately upon filing. Our software is adding the finishing touches to make sure your data is neatly packaged for Carbon credit verification. This process can take up to a day. Check back tomorrow to see if the fields have been successfully filed. Feel free to reach out to our support team using the chat icon if you have any questions.

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