Congratulations on generating carbon credits! Your payment reports can be accessed directly in your account. Here we will break it down and help you understand the numbers.
You can access your payment report by clicking on the "Payments" tab at the top of the page.
Summary Page
The payment dashboard will look a little bit like this (note that payment amounts will vary based on credits earned):
The "Learn more" links under each box will explain more about the number you're seeing:
Annual Payment Reports
Once credits have been verified, issued and paid, you'll be able to see a detailed payment report for that carbon crop year. Click on Open Report to view it. You can then click on the question mark symbols to see an explanation of each payment line.
If you scroll down, you can see the payments broken down by field:
Click on "View details" to see the payment breakdown, plus the expected payment schedule for that field.
Payments by Field
Under the payment schedule section, you can visualize the vesting payments over time. The larger numbers are the payments that you received for that field in the year you are looking at. These values added together will total the "Field payment" number at the top of the page.